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What nature provides in the Alps

May 05, 2022 / Veronika Hribernik, CIPRA International
Alpine pastures that provide us with food; trees that create a pleasant microclimate; Alpine landscapes that heal and touch. CIPRA's 2021 Annual Report focuses on the value of nature and shows how we can protect Alpine ecosystems.
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Mountain forests, Alpine pastures and Alpine landscapes protect, sustain and enrich us in many ways. (c) Jenni Kuck

The Alpine landscape is particularly diverse: around 30,000 animal and 13,000 plant species are native to it. The ecosystems in the Alps provide our livelihoods with their services. They provide us with food, drinking water and wood. They regulate natural processes by purifying the air, balancing the climate and protecting against erosion. At the same time, humans are shaping and moulding nature as never before through agriculture, tourism and construction activities. The 2021 Annual Report shows what forests, moors and glaciers in the Alps achieve and how CIPRA's project work protects these ecological processes.

Good examples of visitor guidance and gentle tourism, fewer emissions through active mobility and public transport, exchange with all Alpine countries and promotion of innovative projects: CIPRA is committed to sustainable development in the Alps in a variety of ways. In 2021, we took sides for unspoilt rivers; made Alpine tourism more sustainable; talked to people from all Alpine countries; implemented the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local level; and campaigned for less land consumption on urban fringes. All these projects and many other activities can be discovered in the 2021 Annual Report.