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Alpine Convention against the Alemagna motorway

Jul 04, 2018
In recent years there have been several attempts to reintroduce the Alemagna motorway from Venice to Munich onto the European agenda. The Permanent Committee of the Alpine Convention has now adopted a resolution against this new transalpine motorway.
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The decision opposing new motorways across the Alps was unanimous. (c) Jean-Loup Bertez

The Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention is very clear: Article 11 states that “the contracting parties shall refrain from building any new, large-capacity roads for transalpine traffic”. However, voices from the Veneto region are repeatedly calling for a new motorway to run between Munich and Venice, even though every country concerned (Germany, Austria and Italy) has ratified the Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention.

At the initiative of CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps, the Permanent Committee of the Alpine Convention unanimously decided at its meeting on 13 June 2018 to clearly position itself against this new motorway across the Alps. Katharina Conradin, President of CIPRA International, expressed her satisfaction about this clear commitment: “The Alps suffer enough as it is from transalpine traffic, noise, air pollution and, finally, climate change. This clear commitment by the parties to oppose the expansion of the transalpine road network is thus all the more gratifying.”


Sources and further information: (de, fr, it, sl),