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Berchtesgaden Declaration on regional co-operation in mountain regions 2002

At the end of June 2002 a conference on international co-operation between the mountain regions of the world was held in Berchtesgaden. The participants at the conference presented ten fundamental principles for regional co-operation. The principles underscore the key responsibility of governments and the need for regional co-operation to ensure the sustainable and proper management of mountain regions. Equal rights, decentralisation and the involvement of resident populations are essential in achieving sustainable development. Measures aimed at establishing cross-border partnerships and networks for the exchange of experience and the dissemination of knowledge are of crucial importance in bringing regional co-operation to life. The Declaration is aimed at governments, the international community, the private sector and NGOs.
Tagung BH
Image caption:
Il convegno sul cambiamento climatico a Bad Hindelang, settembre 2006. © CIPRA International

Espressa da

Berchtesgaden Conference