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Ecological Networks implemented by participatory approaches as a response to landscape fragmentation: a review of German literature

Year of publication2009
Author(s)Silja Tiemann
Co-authorsSiebert, Rosemarie
PublisherIP Publishing Ltd
Number of pages8
Price$28.00 plus tax
JournalOutlook on agriculture
Magazine No.38 (2)
Publication typeJournal article
The ecological network concept is an approach to counteract biodiversity loss by connecting core nature conservation areas. This article analyses the role of stakeholder involvement in, the conditions for and approaches to the practical implementation of ecological networks in Germany. The results are based on a literature review compared with results from a survey of experts. A policy model (the 'policy cycle') is used for structuring the data. The results show that participatory approaches play different roles in all stages of the policy cycle, and are also necessary at each stage to enable the implementation of a well accepted and 'functional' ecological network.