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New study on the development of alpine national parks

Nov 06, 2003 / alpMedia
Volume 43 of the Münchner Studien zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeographie [Munich Studies on Social and Economic Geography] features the findings of a research project on the regional economic significance of alpine national parks.
The first section of the work, which is published in German, compares how six alpine national parks from six countries are developed to advantage, in other words how the status of national park alone can serve to enhance their status. The second part of the publication contains a quantitative evaluation of the regional economic repercussions of the Berchtesgaden Alpine Park. The study focused on analysing income and job effects and on developing ways in which they could be used for tourism, without causing any damage to the natural foundation of the national park.
To order: Inwertsetzung alpiner Nationalparks. Eine regionalwirtschaftliche Analyse des Tourismus im Alpenpark Berchtesgaden, H. Job, D. Metzler and L. Vogt, published by Buchdruckerei Michael Laßleben, Tel.: +49 (0)9473 205