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Delimitation of the Carpathian Convention area - Pilot study

Sep 06, 2006 / alpMedia
Die Europäische Akademie in Bozen/I publizierte kürzlich eine englischsprachige Pilotstudie zur Implementierung internationaler Berggebietskonventionen.
Delimitation of the Carpathian Convention area - Pilot study
(07.09.2006) The European Academy in Bolzano/I recently published a pilot study in English on implementing international mountain conventions. Based on the experiences with the delimitation of the Alpine Convention, scientists have drawn up an exemplary methodology on how the area of the Carpathian Convention could be delimited.
Bibliography: Ruffini F.V.; Streifeneder, T.; Eiselt, B. (2006) Implementing an international mountain convention. An approach for the delimitation of the Carpathian Convention area. Bolzano, EURAC research. 118 pages. ISBN 88-88906-20-7,
Information: (en)