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GIS for Mountain Development

Year of publication2003
Publisher(s)International Mountain Society (IMS)
Place of publicationBerne
JournalMountain Research and Development
Magazine No.Vol. 23, No. 4
Publication typeJournal, booklet
Andreas Heinimann, Thomas Breu, Thomas Kohler, The Challenge of Applying Geographic Information Systems to Sustainable Mountain Development, 312-319,
Coen Bussink, GIS as a Tool in Participatory Natural Resource Management: Examples from the Peruvian Andes, 320-323,
Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe, Katja Koch, Martin Will, Sacred Forests in Tibet: Using Geographical Information Systems for Forest Rehabilitation, 324-328,
Simon Michel Nambena, Using Geographic Information System to Assess Possibilities of Expanding Traditional Agroforestry in Slash-and-Burn Zones in Madagascar, 329-333,
David L. Neufeld, Robert P. Guralnick, Robert Glaubitz, J. Ryan Allen, Museum Collections Data and Online Mapping Applications: A New Resource for Land Managers, 334-337

Sandra Brown, Spatial Analysis of Socioeconomic Issues: Gender and GIS in Nepal, 338-344,
Ye Yan-qiong, Chen Guo-jie, and Fan Hong, Impacts of the “Grain for Green” Project on Rural Communities in the Upper Min River Basin, Sichuan, China, 345-352,
Zeng Yongnian, Feng Zhaodong, and Cao Guangchao, Land Cover Change and Its Environmental Impacts in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River, Northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, 353-361,
Rafael Poyatos, Jerôme Latron, and Pilar Llorens, Land Use and Land Cover Change After Agricultural Abandonment: The Case of a Mediterranean Mountain Area (Catalan Pre-Pyrenees), 362-368,
Jacek Kozak, Forest Cover Change in the Western Carpathians in the Past 180 years: A Case Study in the Orawa Region in Poland, 369-375

Astrid Björnsen Gurung, Thomas Schaaf, MRI Newsletter 2: Global Change Research in UNESCO Mountain Biosphere Reserves, 376-377,
Hans Hurni, Andreas Kläy, Thomas Kohler, Urs Wiesmann, CDE’s Integrative Approach to Research and Development in Mountain Regions, 378-379

Theodore Wachs, International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain REGIONS (IPSDMR): First Global Meeting of Members in Merano, Italy, 5-6 October 2003, 380-381,
Friedl Herman and Stefan Smidt, Adapting the Management of Mountain Forests to New Environmental Conditions: Research Results and Needs in Austria, presented in April 2003 in Vienna, 381-383,
Martin Moravcík, Bohdan Konôpka, Libor Janský, Management of High-Mountain Forests in the Western Carpathians, Slovak Republic: Research Results and Perspectives, 383-386,
Ram Bhandari, International Conference on Himalayan Biodiversity (ICHB-2003), 26–28 February 2003, Kathmandu, 387-388,
Lawrence S. Hamilton, Some Mountain Action at the World Parks Congress in Durban, 389-389

MountainMedia (Review of Web Sites, CD ROMs and Books)
Thomas Breu, Web Sites on GIS and Mountain Development, 390-390,
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) (2002), Land, People and Water: Spatial Tools and Agricultural Technologies for Sustainable Development in the Highlands of Southwest Uganda., Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), 390-391,
Udo Schickhoff (2002), Die Degradierung der Gebirgswälder Nordpakistans: Faktoren, Prozesse und Wirkungszusammenhänge in einem regionalen Mensch-Umwelt-System., Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 391-392,
Ingrid L. P. Nyborg (2002), Yours Today, Mine Tomorrow? A Study of Women and Men’s Negotiations Over Resources in Baltistan, Pakistan., Ås, Norway: Noragric, 392-393,
Sanjay Kumar Nepal, Thomas Kohler, and Bernhard Rudolf Banzhaf (2002), Great Himalaya: Tourism and the Dynamics of Change in Nepal, Zurich: Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research, in collaboration with CDE, 394-395,
Jill S. Baron (2002), Rocky Mountain Futures: An Ecological Perspective, Washington DC: Island Press, 395-396,
Nyima Tashi, Liu Yanhua, and Tej Partap (2002), Making Tibet Food Secure: Assessment of Scenarios, Kathmandu, Nepal: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, 396-398,
Theodor H. Erismann and Gerhard Abele (2001), Dynamics of Rockslides and Rockfalls, Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 398-399
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