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IASON-Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies

Year of publication2004
Co-authorsChristian-Albrechts University zu Kiel, Institute of Regional Research, German;Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; IWW of University of Karlsruhe, Germany; Marcial Echenique and Partners (ME&P), UK; NEA Transport Research and Training, The Netherlands; NETR, France;Spiekerman & Wegener and partners, Germany; the Polish Academy of Science, Poland; TNO Inro, The Netherlands (co-ordinator);TRANSMAN, Hungary; TU Wien, Austria; University of Dortmund (IRPUD), Germany;University of Groningen, The Netherlands; University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies, UK; VTT, Finland
The project gives answers to the following questions: Does the implementation of the TENs actually improve cohesion? How is the welfare gain distributed spatially in Europe by implementation of the TENs? How is the accessability improved of regions in Europe by implementation of the TENs? What impact has the implementation on the local economy of regions in Europe? Will the implementation induce modal shift? What is the spatial economic welfare gain of implementation of the TINA network? In what way does implementation of the TENs change the accessibility and cohesion of the peripheral countries and the accession countries? What is the spatial economic effect of charging policies? With regard to the overall economic impact of transport projects and policies the authors say that the socio-economic macro trends have a much stronger impact on regional development than transport policy. The project has made available a new set of interconnected instruments that now can be used to assess the spatial and economic consequences of transport policies. In Summary it can be concluded that many transport policies of the past had in a sense an ambiguous impact with regard to spatial distribution: though they have contributed to cohesion, when measured in relative terms, they at the same time have also contributed to widening absolute disparities beween central and peripheral regions in Europe.
Part C, key project results